Mark Carrigan

Raiding the inarticulate since 2010

accelerated academy acceleration agency Algorithmic Authoritarianism and Digital Repression Archive Archiving automation Becoming Who We Are Between Post-Capitalism and Techno-Fascism big data blogging capitalism ChatGPT claude Cognitive Triage: Practice, Culture and Strategies Communicative Escalation and Cultural Abundance: How Do We Cope? Corporate Culture, Elites and Their Self-Understandings craft creativity critical realism data science Defensive Elites Digital Capitalism Digital Capitalism and Digital Social Science Digital Distraction, Personal Agency and The Reflexive Imperative Digital Elections, Party Politics and Diplomacy digital elites Digital Inequalities Digital Social Science Digital Sociology digital sociology Digital Universities distraction elites Fragile Movements and Their Politics Cultures generative AI higher education Interested internal conversation labour Lacan Listening margaret archer Organising personal morphogenesis Philosophy of Technology platform capitalism platforms politics populism Post-Democracy, Depoliticisation and Technocracy post-truth public engagement public sociology publishing quantified self Reading realism reflexivity sexuality Shadow Mobilization, Astroturfing and Manipulation Social Media Social Media for Academics social media for academics social ontology social theory sociology technology The Content Ecosystem The Intensification of Work The Political Economy of Digital Capitalism The Sharing Economy The Technological History of Digital Capitalism Thinking trump twitter Uncategorized work writing zizek

The impending wave of innovation in generative artificial intelligence

I found this mind blowing from Ethan Mollock. I understood the three new modalities which are coming with GAI (machine vision, machine speech and connecting it your own data) combined with performance increases sparked by Google’s Gemini. But it hadn’t occurred to me that these things will be combined:

We have these pieces which let us guess at the shape of the AI in front of us. It isn’t science fiction to assume that AIs will soon talk to you, see you, know about you, do research for you, create images for you – because all of that is already built, and working. I can already pull all of these elements together myself with just a little effort. That means AI can quite easily serve as personal assistant, intern, and companion – answering emails, giving advice, paying attention to the world around you — in a way that makes the Siris and Alexas of the world look prehistoric. It also suggests unexpected corporate and government uses, as AI, with these capabilities, can act as a ubiquitous helpful coach, or troubling panopticon, by observing and listening, intervening with advice or instructions.